Saturday, April 25, 2009

Writer Trivia Quiz 1

Get ready to challenge your brain by taking this:
Writers Trivia Quiz 1.


1. A scribe is another name for this.
2. Unlike at Cheers where everybody knows your name, yours might be an enigma as of a result of using this.
3. Good writers can earn lots of these.
4. Doing this means, others will be able to read your works.
5. Every writer experiences some of this before success.
6. Name this great research tool for writers.
7. You may have hundreds of them but they always seem to go on strike when you need them.
8. Writers dread this condition as it impedes the creative process.
9. A digital volume is another name for this.
10. Shorter word derived from the term: Internet and is ½ the name of this blog.
11. This activity has documented events throughout the ages and continues today.
12. This is one popular online banking/payment-processing center.
13. This is an act of stealing the works of another writer.
14. This online program detects stolen works.
15. This genre in writing embraces fabricated stories.
16. This writer gets in touch with his or her younger-self by writing these.
17. Books with ghoulish tales to tell can be located in the spooky section of bookstores also known as this.
18. Truthful and factual accounts (along with varying amounts of creative licensing) about people, places, and events are what these written works consist of.
19. This online term says that a writer selling their written works and writing services is one of these.
20. Who to thank or blame, for this fun or lame, writers quiz.

How well do you think you did on this quiz? Check your answers against those answers provided below.


(1. A writer )(2. A penname) (3. Awards, reviews, accolades, and money)
( 4. Publishing ) (5. Rejection) (6. Wikipedia)
(7. Pens )(8. Writers block )(9. E-book )
(10. Net) (11. Writing)(12. PayPal)
(13. Plagiarism)(14. CopyScape)(15. Fiction)
(16. Children’s books)(17. Horror)(18. Nonfiction)
(19. A Content Provider)(20. Your NetWrite Blog administrator (Julie) and her co-conspirators.

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