Here are some more terms commonly used in net writing.
DL: refers to the deadline of when a writing assignment is due.
Escrow: refers to the placement of payment funds into an account where they are (held) until a project is completed, and may include other terms such as, hold until buyer is satisfied with completed project.
FFA: refers to free for all, which indicates that parts of projects are fully open for claiming by writers on job boards without a maximum number of project part claims (per writer) restrictions.
Freelancer: refers to writer who works independently from the companies or institutions they provide writing services for
FIFTC: refers to a fairness policy for writers in place on many job boards of “first in, first to claim” posted jobs.
Job board: refers to any number of places where writers find writing jobs online. Such as websites, forums, blogs,
ezines, classified ad sites, social networks, etc.
Keyword: refers to the key word or phrase that online searchers are most likely to use when looking for an article or other information related to the subject of the content a writer crafts.
Keyword density: This is a ratio of how many times a specific keyword or phrase, should appear in an article for
seo purposes, while maintaining a natural flow for readers.
MB: refers to message board. These are often where you find the full details of listed writing jobs and can make bids, or ask for clarifications from the buyer prior to bidding.
Master Resell Rights: there are several definitions given for master resell rights and no one seems to be able to agree on any one in particular. This is because master resale rights cover a wide variety of products and branded services. For writers, you are the master of your works. Others cannot take your works, change them, or share or sell them without your permission, which you agree to grant through either the sale or transfer of your master rights to someone else.
Payout: refers to how much, when, and through what payment provider compensation for your completed works will occur.
Plagiarism: refers to copying, pasting, or in any other fashion using the works of another without the express permission to do so, and representing them as your own. This is a major
NO-NO- in writing. Writers should hold themselves up to the highest ethical standards in all their writing and business practices.
PLR: refers to private label rights.
PLR Articles: refers to the private label a writer owns and can choose to sell on the articles he or she writes.
PM: refers to a private message
PMB: refers to the private message board found on some writing job sites, in which some details of a project are (hidden ) from public view, with access opened only for logged-in writers.
Project: this refers to the content that a buyer is requesting and typically includes buyer specifications on what the buyer is expecting the finished product to look like.
Service Provider: this is just an Internet fancy-
smancy name for a writer who is in the business of writing and selling their written works.
Seo: refers to search engine optimizing of content to attract the attention and favor of search engines.
Snail Pay: refers to paychecks that come to you the old-fashioned and slower way of the United States Postal Service.
Specs: these are the requirements that a content buyer states in the description of the writing job they are outsourcing.
Julie M. 2009., all rights reserved.
I will share more of the terms common in net writing in part three of this series. Do you have a few of your own to share? Leave them in the comment box so that we can all learn what they are and what they mean. Thanks!